Shortcode Usage

Generate Shortcode

GS WooCommerce Product Slider’s Generate Shortcode options available only at PRO version.

WooCommerce Product Slider Generate Shortcode

GS WooCommerce Product Slider’s shortcode usage

Basic Usage


Shortcode attributes Usage

[gs_wps id="" posts="5" order="ASC" product_cat="singles, albums" theme="gs-effect-2" columns="3" autoplay="true" pause="false" inf_loop="false" speed="1200" timeout="3000" nav_speed="1100" nav="none" dots_nav="false" prod_tit_limit="50"]

Note : product_cat attribute will NOT work at PRO version, From Menu : GS Plugins > Generate Shortcode, you can set your query then add the id attribute.

No.AttributeDefault valueoptionsDescription
1posts10Any NumberBy default it’ll display 10 Products as it is set total number of product in slider at Woo Product Settings but you can control by posts attribute.
2orderDESCDESC / ASCNormally Products will display by descending order, latest will show first. But if you wish to display ascending order, oldest at first then pass order="ASC" parameter
3product_catallProduct category slug, comma separated.To get your category slug, go to Products -> Categories. Here you will find Product categories & all the slugs. Note : product_cat attribute will work only at lite version
4idnoneGenerate your query like all category products or selected category / exclude category, all products / featured / free & many moreproduct_cat attribute will NOT work at PRO version, From Menu : GS Plugins > Generate Shortcode, you can set your query then add the id attribute
Select preferred theme for hover effect
6columns41 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6Select number of Product columns, Default 4 columns
7autoplaytruetrue / falseEnable / Disable Autoplay slider. Default On (true)
8pausetruetrue / falseEnable / Disable, Stop on Hover slider. Default On (true)
9inf_looptruetrue / falseEnable / Disable Inifnity loop. Duplicates last & first Product to get loop illusion. Default On (true)
10speed1000Any NumberAutoplay Speed in Millisecond. Default 1000
11timeout2500Any NumberAutoplay interval timeout in Millisecond. Default 2500
12nav_speed1000Any NumberNavigation speed in Millisecond. Default 1000
13navinitialinitial / noneEnable / Disable Navigation (next / prev). Default On (initial)
14dots_navtruetrue / falseEnable / Disable Dots Navigation. Default On (true)
15prod_tit_limit15Any NumberMaximum number of characters in Product title. Default 15